
Generate leads in seconds

With Kondoleads actor, scrape and generate leads in seconds and for free. Discover today our actors

One platform to generate your leads

Our all in one platform let you generate, enrich and use your leads to their maximum capacity.

  • Use your credits without any limits
  • No engagements, cancel when you want
  • New actors added every months
Start today with theses options

Actors available

Generate leads

  • Linkedin
  • 1 credit per row

Linkedin Finder

  • Google Maps
  • 1 credit per row

Google Maps scrapper

Enrich your leads

  • KondoLeads
  • 1 credit per 10 rows

Google Maps - Email & Phone Finder

  • KondoLeads
  • 1 credit per row

Website information Finder

Compare our plans

Our credits pack let you choose how much leads you want to generate


Generate up to 5,000 leads every month with this package

200€ / year

What's includes

  • Up to 5,000 Leads

  • Unlimited exports

  • Online support in 48h

  • Cumulate your credits

Start now

Bussines Plan

Generate up to 15,000 leads every month with this package

450€ / year

What's includes

  • Up to 15,000 Leads

  • Unlimited exports

  • Online support in 48h

  • Cumulate your credits

Start now
KondoLeads - Blog

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